Unfortunately, accidents can occur. Imagine accidentally spilling acetone or nail polish, leading your client to file a compensation claim for the mishap.
Any claim for compensation could leave you struggling to keep your business afloat.
Our nail treatment liability insurance covers you for any injury or illness caused by any Manicure or Pedicure treatment listed below. You must hold an ITEC manicure / pedicure qualification certificate to qualify for this insurance. You will not need to worry about an unexpected accident putting your business at risk.
This policy covers the following services:
Acrylic nails
Gel or shellac nails
Nail extensions
Applying Nail Art
Is Parrafin wax manicures and pedicures covered?Atanas Karinkov2021-07-16T20:59:14+00:00
As long as you hold a qualification for Paraffin Wax treatments we can provide cover.
If Paraffin Wax treatments were covered under the Manicure & Pedicure qualification we will also provide cover.
I am not ITEC qualified, can I get cover?Atanas Karinkov2021-07-16T21:01:36+00:00
Unfortunately you can’t purchase your policy online with us but you can call our office on 0719141030 to discuss alternative options.